Modulo 5

Welcome to this fifth week of classes dedicated to children’s rights and education.

This new week of our course builds on what you learned in the first week on the children’s rights framework and the second week on child protection. In this week, we will focus on children’s rights and education. We will first focus on early childhood, we will address the issues of non-discrimination, education for asylum-seeking children but also the issue of the quality of education in relation to early childhood.

In the next step, we will look at children’s rights in schools, see how children’s rights are implemented in the school setting and how access to education is organised for disadvantaged children in Switzerland. We will also look at violence and bullying in schools by demonstrating how children’s rights can be integrated into everyday life at school. We will then discuss how teachers can teach children’s rights and link them to the school curricula in the different language regions of the country.

Another important theme of this module is the digital world and the children’s rights associated with it. We look at children’s rights and access to information and privacy in the digital space.

The aim of this week is to enable you to understand how children’s rights can be promoted and protected in education and beyond.

Philip D. Jaffé
Member of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
Lead instructor for